For Applicants

Upon signing up for the app of Jobland (also called Jobland) you are giving your consent to agree upon our terms and conditions. Any referring words such as we, us, and other of sorts will represent Jobland from here onwards.
  • a) Please note that we are not your employer, rather a job portal; this makes the person paying your salary your employer or boss. We are not responsible to intervene on anyone’s behalf if they aren’t hired, fired, or are subjected to unfair treatment at work. Jobland takes no responsibility for the actions of your current, ex, or potential employer and we are not liable for the job itself or how you are treated at your job.
  • b) In case your ‘potential employer’ is asking you to give them money to apply for a job, it is likely a scam or fraud which you should refrain from or avoid as we hold no responsibility for it.
  • c) When you agree to our terms and conditions, we have your guarantee that all the uploaded documents representing you are real and true. It is your responsibility to make sure that you provide us with real and true information. You are alone responsible for any and all mistakes or typos made, details provided, expertise, and experiences filled in, so be honest and don’t exaggerate. We have your permission to use the information uploaded by our users for the purpose of the app and they will be held in your name.
  • d) Employers are also advised to upload all their job postings truthfully and accurately without any exaggeration as we are not responsible for any miscommitments but we hold the authority to take action in case we are made aware of any fraudulent activity.
  • e) We are not responsible for the accuracy regarding the nature of the job and anything else that pertains to the job including compensations, nature, and behavior of the employer and your coworkers towards you, or whether you feel this is personally satisfying or provides you with a sense of fulfillment. You and your employer are required to sort such issues among yourselves and we have no responsibility towards either.
  • f) You are required to provide personal information about yourself in case you are in the process of applying for a job or even succeed to get an interview. Our privacy laws apply to such scenarios that pertain to revealing personal information. Kindly read our privacy policy for this.
  • g) The Ministry of Labour’s Employment Standards for Young Workers dictated all the laws pertaining to the rights of the young employees so it is required of all the members of Jobland to educate themselves on how these laws work and what are their basic legal entitlements (lunch, breaks, overtime, vacations, etc.).
  • h) Be aware of your employer and their business. If you are asked to show up for an interview at a remote or sketchy location that induces doubt in your heart, do take necessary precautions. Interviews are generally conducted at offices or public places; if you are being asked to show up elsewhere, take caution as we don’t take any responsibility for that.
  • i) To join Jobland, you are required to be of at least 14 years of age. Different jobs have different requirements for age along with local (provincial) restrictions so it is best to check those requirements before applying for a job.

2. Terminologies explained:

  • “Personal Information” – represents data pertaining to an identifiable individual without including any identifiable details.
  • All Canadian organizations that are engaged in commercial activities are bound to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information incorporated by reference into PIPEDA.
  • From here onwards we, us and other referral words will be representing Jobland.

3. Handling of Sensitive and Personal Information:

In order to provide its services, Jobland requires to collect and use the personal information of its users. Along with that, we may send information and marketing materials concerning our services to all our users.

4. Approval:

Approval: When agreeing to the stated terms in this policy, all our users grant us the right for (i) the approval to utilize the collected information which may include personal information to allow us to provide our services; and (ii) the approval to allow Jobland’s to (not obliged) disclose collected information to third parties, including to the following:
  • Administrations/companies/organizations that want to contact our users for the marketing of products or services that are appropriate and related to their interests and our policy;
  • For the purpose of online behavioural advertising by marketing and advertising companies;
  • When we are legally required to do so;
  • When we are required to do so by the services we provide;
  • When we are required by the third-party services so we may continue to deliver our services (for example insurance, backup computers, etc.);
  • If the company undergoes a merger, evolves, or get sold (the third party will still be bounded by the legal obligations regarding the privacy which is to remain consistent with this policy);
  • We may communicate periodically with our Clients and Client representatives, to keep the information provided current and ensure that the information is correct to prevent fraudulent activities;
  • And all third parties are bounded by obligations regarding privacy that are consistent with this policy Jobland is aware of the significance of privacy and the value of the personal data of our clients. This Privacy policy outlines how we safeguard the privacy and manage personal information.

5. Personal Information Management and Safekeeping:

 We mainly use a secure server to store stores Personal Information. The server providers are bounded by legal obligations regarding privacy which are consistent with our policy. To strictly prevent theft or loss of the personal information of our users, Jobland employs all the necessary precautions. We also ensure that there is no use or disclosure of the information or unauthorized access, along with destruction or modification of data by using suitable technical, and administrative precautions and safeguards.

6. Personal Information Withholding and Discarding:

Any and all information collected by Jobland is discarded using a safe and secure procedure that complies according to our policies and the laws governing those policies. In any case, Jobland reserves the right to withhold personal information of any user for a specific period of time when a user deactivates their account or personally requests that we dispose of their personal information. It is to provide sufficient time to the user/s in case they need to exercise their legal rights under Canadian law.

7. Changing the Cookies Settings:

For the purposes of understanding and posting online behavioural advertising, Jobland may collect information on its users including personal information using cookies. However, the users can choose to opt-out of this process of information collection by simply making changes to the cookies settings on the web browser they use.

8. Rights Pertaining to Our Website and App: 

The Website and App of Jobland may contain links to other sites. This privacy policy doesn’t govern them. As is the case with most commercial websites, Jobland Website also reserves right for monitoring the usage of the site, track the pattern of the traffic of our users, and access other information pertaining to the site to optimize services offered by us. Aggregated Information may be provided by us to third party websites based solely on statistics as they lack any information that may help in identifying a person. Moreover, Jobland reserves the right to collect personal information from the user’s computer with the use of cookies or any other electronic medium. The web servers employed by Jobland automatically collect IP addresses and in order to prevent fraudulent acts and possible network attacks, we may view our web server ID log from time to time.

9. Permission or Request for Accessing Personal Data: 

In case a user wishes to inquire regarding personal information of another user or a related question, we request them to contact us on info@jobland.ca so we may properly look into the matter and resolve it accordingly.

10. Processing Complaints: 

In case any of our user/s have any sort of complaint whether pertaining to our services or have concerns related to their personal data, we request them to kindly contact us at info@jobland.ca. We will take appropriate measures to ensure a timely and proper resolution of the issues reported via thorough analysis of the root cause of the problem so it may not persist in the future.

11. Employee Training: 

At Jobland, all our employees are trained (especially the newcomers) in terms of handling and dealing with personal information and made aware of all the privacy requirements and related laws.

12. Making Alterations or Changes: 

We keep reviewing all our procedures and policies from time to time and keep making changes as per the need and reserve the right to do so without informing our clients prior to it.